Local government /
Giesecke, Ernestine
Local government / by Ernestine Giesecke. - Chicago, IL : Heinemann Library, 2000, 2010. - 32 p. - Kids' Guide to Government .
Introduces the purpose and function of local governments, explores the three branches of government at the city and county level, and presents the relationships between city and suburban governments and between various governments and schools.
Local government
United States--Politics and government
Local government / by Ernestine Giesecke. - Chicago, IL : Heinemann Library, 2000, 2010. - 32 p. - Kids' Guide to Government .
Introduces the purpose and function of local governments, explores the three branches of government at the city and county level, and presents the relationships between city and suburban governments and between various governments and schools.
Local government
United States--Politics and government